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Meteo Sat - Met Office (Real-Time wallpaper program):
This is a program developed to show in real-time the MeteoSat infra-red images (within one hour time spam) as a wallpaper for Linux distributions. It is has been tested in Ubuntu.
To defectively run the program one needs to schedule it with super user permissions using any system task manager, and run it every hour.
The program will download the last 24 hours of images from the Met Offices website.
The images from the met office will be saved in the folder "/usr/share/backgrounds/Meteo/". This may need to be created.
The program also will generate an xml file, which will be located at "/usr/share/backgrounds/Meteo/Meteo.xml", this is the file needed to open on the desktop properties to set the slid-show as wallpaper.
Download the sorce code: Wallpaper metoffice program (.7z)
Windows version of the program: Wallpaper metoffice program (.7z)
Dual Camera and Arduino control (varius filters and detections):
This program has been developed under windows platform. /none the less it could be easilly transported to linux.
The program uses OpenCv to capture and work with cameras.
The program generate different threads which allow the capturing and manipulation of multiple video feeds.
Download the sorce code: Multiple video feed (.7z)
Arduino MIDI Controller for Ableton:
This is an Arduino program. It is used to interface te Arduino with Ableton as a MIDI controler.
The program uses MIDIYoke as a serial to MIDI convertor to feed the Ableton.
A PC PS/2 keyboard is used to send signals as buttons. 6 Potentiometers are used to control as analoge signals, in this way taking advantage of the 6 analoge I/O on the Arduino board. It would be interesting to improve this design to have more potentiometers.
Download the sorce code: AbletonMidiController.
Download MIDIYoke: Midi-Youk. Be ware with installing it in windows 7 possible permision problems.
Console Voice Recognition program with SMU Sphinx:
The program records into a file for 5 sec and attempts to recognice the information.
With the use of SMU Sphinx and recoding to wave.
The program in itself does nothing appart from having a go at recognising your voice. But further developent can make it do anything you think of.
Download the sorce code: Voice Recognition (.7z)